Monday, January 21, 2013

Spring arrived when she was born. It was March and it was finally warm and sunny. But the joy she brought to my heart is more than the joy that spring brings. My daughter Megan truly brings me so much happiness! She brightens up my days with sunshine and warmth. Her smile and laugh are so sweet! I can’t imagine life without her.

The doctor came in to check on me and my brand new baby daughter. “She is a little angel”, he said. He was right. She was always smiling and happy.

That was almost 14 years ago but she still brings “spring” every day of my life. God has blessed me so much by entrusting me with her care. Everyone she knows can see the light she brings by her friendship, her kindness and her love.

She is such an inspiration to me. She has determination to get things right and works hard in what she does. I am amazed by her talents in art, music, writing and sports. I am also in awe of her humility when she receives compliments.

I am so glad for daughters!
I love you Megan! Thanks for bringing the spring into my life!


  1. Aww, love this post! Gorgeous pictures too! With beautiful jewelry! : )
    I know what you mean about daughters, mine has changed my life too : )

    1. Thanks so much Beata! I would love to feature you and your daughter and your shop! Just let me know! :-)

  2. Great blog! Beautiful thoughts and photos.

  3. So beautiful Christine! What wonderful stories to share and the pics of both of you are absolutely gorgeous! :)

  4. What a sweet tribute to your daughter ... she I am sure sees the sunshine in you as well.. the apple never falls far from the tree...
    " Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love. " ... I celebrate your beautiful relationship.. cheers !!
